This blog is to capture a practical example of installing a real example of CiviCRM on top of a current version of Drupal.
At this time, Drupal 8 is the standard with many sites using D9. I have had a few (not many at all) modules or tasks that have not been ready for D9 so I am using D8 to be as safe as possible.
This is a quick attempt at documentation. It is NOT pretty. It is free for you to use or ignore.
I welcome discussion.
Here is the video that you can follow along with this blog. I put timestamps in the blog to align with the video.
Right now, it only covers intallation.
I may get around to other basics such as
Creating memberhip types along with a user/member creation form that can be either self-service or admin only.
Making it so that new member get a Drupal account when the memeber is created.
Putting prices/fees and payments on memberhsips.
Adding +1s to a membership (ie family memberships)
Mailings to members
Fundraiser events/campaigns.
Reserve/Book some asset that the club owns. Using fees to reserve. Using discount codes so members can get x for free. I have NOT nailed this one yet. If you can help, let's get this right.
My Virtual Machine Environment
Most of my moderately powerful machines in my home are Windows 10 based so that is the platform I am building on. I originally worked on Oracle VirtualBox but had a few problems with that including it not being able to run in parallel with Docker and only having hacks available to configure it to restart on boot.
I am using Hyper-V as the platform and installed an Ubuntu 20.04.1 Desktop VM. Normally I would NOT use a desktop environment for this tasks but I think that the built-in Ubuntu Desktop Hyper-V image has some tuning to make it perform better on top of Win10.
This does have a UI for the machine but I do all of my work through ssh into the VM from a Windows Terminal using WSL mode.
This can all be discussed in more detail separately.
Video - 00:00 to 00:32
High Level Overview of my Ubuntu 20.04.1 Environment
sudo vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf # comment out the bind address to allow remote config
sudo systemctl restart mysql
To use phpMyAdmin remotely (ie since we are using server edition we are remote to it) we need to either 1) have root be authenticated by pw or 2) create a new user with all the rights.
If we create a new user, then we can afford to disallow remote root when secuting. If not, we need to keep allowing remote root.
Still need to use root by password since this is hardcoded into the Aegir installer.
Bailing on Aegir for now so choose the latter. which is the first example below.
sudo mysql SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user; # this is just a check ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user; # this is just a check
CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
sudo mysql_secure_installation # Aegir gave me a headache. Disable PW Validation
# Disallow root for now, but Aegir has it hardcoded.
Next time you log into mysql you'll need to use the, actually no since I did the latter
"mysql -u root -p" format
01:25 - Setting up the MSMTP mailer which is very important in the Aegir install. Maybe not so much in a standard install. You can try skipping this section
01:44 - I bumped the php memory available to 2x
sudo vi /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
memory_limit = 128M (I went 256)
sudo systemctl reload apache2
01:49 - Prepare Apache for the sites we are going to install. This inluded setting directory permissions and the virtual hosts.
Some Apache utils and enabling multi-site.
apache2ctl -M # to list installed modules
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo phpenmod mbstring
# /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf
# sudo a2ensite your_domain.conf ls /etc/apache2/sites-available
02:03 - Install composer (v1 not v2) and Drush. Note that the drush command is really just a dynamically determined reference to whichever project you are in. You install the wrapper globally but every site needs its own composer require drush/drush .
For a specific version, use drupal/recommended-project:8.8.0. SeePackagist for all available versions, or use the shell with composer show drupal/recommended-project --all.
cd /var/www drupal_root="/var/www/d8civi" echo$drupal_root sudo rm -r $drupal_root composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:^8 $drupal_root --stability dev --no-interaction d_docroot=$drupal_root/web echo$d_docroot cd$drupal_root sudo apt install php7.4-bcmath #(one of my installations I needed to add the bcmath) systemctl reload apache2 #(not sure which one) cd$drupal_root chmod 777 $d_docroot/sites/default/ cp $d_docroot/sites/default/default.settings.php $d_docroot/sites/default/settings.php chmod 666 $d_docroot/sites/default/settings.php
#!/bin/bash # Help menu print_help() { cat <<-HELP This script is used to fix permissions of a Drupal installation you need to provide the following arguments: 1) Path to your Drupal installation. 2) Username of the user that you want to give files/directories ownership. 3) HTTPD group name (defaults to www-data for Apache). Usage: (sudo) bash ${0##*/} --drupal_path=PATH --drupal_user=USER --httpd_group=GROUP Example: (sudo) bash ${0##*/} --drupal_path=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs --drupal_user=john --httpd_group=www-data HELP exit 0 } if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then printf"**************************************\n" printf"* Error: You must run this with sudo or root*\n" printf"**************************************\n" print_help exit 1 fi drupal_path=${1%/} drupal_user=${2} httpd_group="${3:-www-data}" # Parse Command Line Arguments while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case"$1"in --drupal_path=*) drupal_path="${1#*=}" ;; --drupal_user=*) drupal_user="${1#*=}" ;; --httpd_group=*) httpd_group="${1#*=}" ;; --help) print_help;; *) printf"***********************************************************\n" printf"* Error: Invalid argument, run --help for valid arguments. *\n" printf"***********************************************************\n" exit 1 esac shift done if [ -z "${drupal_path}" ] || [ ! -d "${drupal_path}/sites" ] || [ ! -f "${drupal_path}/core/modules/system/system.module" ] && [ ! -f "${drupal_path}/modules/system/system.module" ]; then printf"*********************************************\n" printf"* Error: Please provide a valid Drupal path. *\n" printf"*********************************************\n" print_help exit 1 fi if [ -z "${drupal_user}" ] || [[ $(id -un "${drupal_user}" 2> /dev/null) != "${drupal_user}" ]]; then printf"*************************************\n" printf"* Error: Please provide a valid user. *\n" printf"*************************************\n" print_help exit 1 fi cd$drupal_path printf"Changing ownership of all contents of "${drupal_path}":\n user => "${drupal_user}" \t group => "${httpd_group}"\n" chown -R ${drupal_user}:${httpd_group} . printf"Changing permissions of all directories inside "${drupal_path}" to "rwxr-x---"...\n" find . -type d -exec chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= '{}' \;
printf"Changing permissions of all files inside "${drupal_path}" to "rw-r-----"...\n" find . -type f -exec chmod u=rw,g=r,o= '{}' \; printf"Changing permissions of "files" directories in "${drupal_path}/sites" to "rwxrwx---"...\n" cd sites find . -type d -name files -exec chmod ug=rwx,o= '{}' \;
printf"Changing permissions of all files inside all "files" directories in "${drupal_path}/sites" to "rw-rw----"...\n" printf"Changing permissions of all directories inside all "files" directories in "${drupal_path}/sites" to "rwxrwx---"...\n" for x in ./*/files; do find ${x} -type d -exec chmod ug=rwx,o= '{}' \; find ${x} -type f -exec chmod ug=rw,o= '{}' \; done echo"Done setting proper permissions on files and directories"
07:44 - I have tinkered with lots and lots of modules and distributions. Some combinations seem to mess with CiviCRM. In this example I use the absolute minimal for me.
composer require drupal/admin_toolbar
composer require drush/drush
composer require drupal/swiftmailer
composer require drupal/webform:~6.0 ##### not the 6 part for d8
08:11 - 08:26 - I have tinkered a lot with themes and look and feel. Let's leave that out for now and skip right to CiviCRM
08:26 - Install CiviCRM
Install and Configure CiviCRM
These edits to the composer.json file may be needed if your distribution does not use ./web as its docroot directory.
"civicrm-asset": {
"path": "docroot/libraries/civicrm",
"url": "/libraries/civicrm"
"patches-ignore": {
"civicrm/civicrm-core": {
"adrienrn/php-mimetyper": {
"This patch has known ": ""
09:38 - Enable CiviCRM - I have found that when you enable Civi from drush there can be lots of permissions problems because you are the user owner of the files. Even trying to manually fix the permissions it was an extreme headache to get it to work. I have come to the conclusion that it is simply easier to enable it via the UI. But before, we need to temporarily open up the permissions on the settings directory
chmod g+w $d_docroot/sites/default/
<enable civi via gui>
chmod g-w $d_docroot/sites/default/
This SHOULD enable the module and also run some specific scripts included with the civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin module. Most of my headaches in experimenting have been with the proper execution of these scripts. If you don't get a clean Civi screen complete with menus then this is likely where your problem is.
By the way, you can force reexecution of the script with the following.
composer civicrm:publish # FYI to force rebuild of civi libs
11:18 - Oh, man, this is the big test. You don't know how many times this has failed me. When we click on the CiviCRM menu button we SHOULD get a dashboard screen and all of the Civi menus should show up. If you get this far, have a drink and celebrate minor successes.
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